Grilled Lobster Tails

A seafood delicacy: today, Otto is putting lobster tails on the Otto Grill.
5 Min
2 Min
Serves 4
  • 4 Lobster Tails
  • 3½ Tbsp. butter
  • 1 Garlic Clove
  • 1 Lemon or Lime
Step 1

Preparation is key - defrost lobster properly
If you´re using frozen lobster tails, you have to defrost them before grilling. To do so, take them out of the packet and leave them covered in the fridge overnight. Don´t put them frozen on the grill, as this will cause the lobster meat to develop a hard and chewy consistency.

You forgot to defrost them and now you´re out of time?

If you put lobster tails in a plastic bag filled with cold water, the lobster meat will defrost in about an hour. When using this method, you should change the water several times.

The microwave should at most be a last resort, since the lobster meat will quickly begin to cook in the microwave. Otto´s golden rule: the more slowly you defrost the lobster tail, the more intense the flavour will be after cooking.

Step 2

Get lobster tails ready for the grill!

There are different ways of preparing lobster tails for the grill.

(1) The easiest method: Leave the tail attached to the lobster. The body will protect the lobster tail from overcooking.

(2) The medium difficulty method: Half the lobster tail to get the tasty grill aroma on the side that´s cut open..

Step 3

Marinating the lobster meat

A marinade of melted butter with a fresh component such as lime or lemon tastes amazing on grilled crawfish or crawfish tail. To make it, melt 3.5 tbsp of butter and stir in one tbsp of lemon or lime juice. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. Finely diced garlic is also a nice addition to the marinade, but use it sparingly, or you risk overpowering the flavour of the lobster itself. Otto´s tip: brush the meaty side of the lobster tails with the marinade. After grilling, drizzle melted butter over the lobster meat again.

Step 4

Grilled lobster tails: a seafood delicacy

Preheat your Otto Grill onto 800°C for three minutes and put the Meat-o-Meter on the lowest level. As soon as you put the lobster tails on the grill rack, keep Otto´s saying in mind: “Never leave your lobster tails unattended. Grillers will be held responsible for their seafood.” Because in only just under two minutes the grilled lobster tails are ready to be served.

Grill the lobster tails at 800°C for one minute on each side until light grill marks appear. An ideal core temperature is around 53-57°C. The lobster meat can then easily be removed from the shell and will amaze you with its firm consistency and aromatic flavour.

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