Otto Wilde Australia teams up with CheatMeats in 2020
Otto Wilde Grillers Australia are proud to announce a new partnership with BBQ brothers Cory & Leon of CheatMeats to take at-home cooking to the next level!
The dynamic duo Cory & Leon began CheatMeats 18 months ago, sharing their love and passion of food on their social media and inspiring home-cooks to take their at-home creations to the next level, with local and authentic ingredients.
"When the grill runs this HOT the caramelisation you get on your meat is like nothing you will ever taste!"
Together with CheatMeats, we want to show at-home cooks, parents, entertainers and foodies how versatile the Otto Wilde Grill actually is.
Watch the video on Instagram here
For our CheatMeats customers, we're pleased to offer a special promotion, to get kitted up from day one with Otto Grills!
When you purchase the Otto Grill, you will also receive a storage box and cover (red or black) for free, when using the code "CHEATMEATS" at the checkout.
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We’re very excited to partner with CheatMeats team to giveat-home cooks the opportunity to see the astonishing results of the Otto Wilde Grill that you can bring home to your weeknight dinner routine or your keep as your ultimate entertaining secret.